The Office Chronicles
THE OFFICE CHRONICLES is a podcast that charts the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on workplaces. Author, professor and workplace consultant Kursty Groves goes behind the scenes to hear the stories and learning of influential organisations as they tackle the question: will the office ever be the same again?
32 episodes
Why IKEA’s employees love coming to the office, with Momo Pavlovic
What’s a better life? What’s a better office? Those two questions are inherently connected. Your workspace’s biggest challenge is to stay relevant, and it’s impossible to do so without obsessively making being in the physical workspace an incre...
Season 2
Episode 20

What it’s like inside the Netflix office with Nasreen Potter
What’s it like to design, build and operationalize a Workplace project during 2020 a Netflix office? What’s the workplace culture like? How does Netflix stay genuine? Nasreen Potter from Netflix tells all about what it’s like to wo...
Season 2
Episode 19

How to create a ‘destination office’? with Tom Kegode, Lloyds Banking Group
What if you could have a ‘destination office’ rather than a bland office that people dread coming into? How do you create spaces at work that energize people? How do you make people look forward to their days in the office?&nb...
Season 2
Episode 18

Myths About Resilience and How It Actually Works With Bruce Daisley
Resilience - why doesn’t it work? Most people get resilience wrong. In this episode, we’ll reframe what resilience really is and how to tap into it for yourself and your organization. Bruce Daisley and Kursty discuss the 3 pillars ...
Season 2
Episode 17

How Does Your Office Space Manifest Your Culture? With David McKay, Innocent Drinks
How Does Your Office Space Manifest Your Culture? With David McKayHow do spaces change the way we talk to each other? The way we feel about work? And the way we behave at work? David McKay from Innocent Drinks joins Kursty to disc...
Season 2
Episode 16

Hybrid Work Office Space Challenges Worth Solving With Emma Morley, Trifle*
Solving hybrid work challenges requires us to talk less about desks and more about how we work. Emma Morley and Kursty discuss what it’s like to solve hybrid work, all the things that get in the way, and how to be more intentional in solving fo...
Season 2
Episode 15

Why Bringing Nature Inside Boosts Creativity, Productivity, and Wellness (Space Matters, ep.7)
Plants can change your mood, so should offices have more of them around? Kali and Katie from The Glasshouse project join Kursty to discuss how plants can boost mental wellness, productivity, and creativity. They also chat about how having plant...
Season 2
Episode 14

How Your Brand and Experiential Design Can Impact Your Office Design - with Sonya Simmonds, Spotify
Sonya Simmonds joins Kursty to discuss how to meaningfully bring out your brand through workplace and office design. They explore how office design impacts employee morale, productivity, and work ethic, why the ‘wow factor’ of designing office ...
Season 2
Episode 13

Special Episode: LEGO Workplace Symposium 2022 (Part 3) - Breaking Behavioural Norms Through Purposeful Meetings and Office Design
In the final part of this series, listen in to the last two hot topic discussions from the LEGO workplace symposium on (1) designing spaces and (2) orchestrating purposeful meetings. During the discussion on designing office spaces, we ...
Season 2
Episode 12

Special Episode: LEGO Workplace Symposium 2022 (Part 2) - Finding a Strong Purpose to Return to The Office, No It’s Not “Culture”
Be a fly on the wall in two hot topic discussions that took place in the LEGO Workplace Symposium: What is the purpose of the workplace? Hybrid headaches over the past year You’ll listen in on gr...
Season 2
Episode 11

Special Episode: Recap of the LEGO Workplace Symposium 2022 (Part 1) - How Do Work and Play Merge In A Conference?
In the first part of this three-part special, Kursty and Sabine recap their experience at the LEGO Workplace Symposium in Billund, Denmark. The symposium focused on key issues in workplace design and experience. It was organized by the Ways of ...
Season 2
Episode 10

How Remote Work Creates Richer In-Person Interactions with Scott Witthoft (Space Matters, ep.6)
Scott Witthoft joins Kursty to discuss how we are becoming more intentional with how we use and divide physical and digital spaces. They explore many thought-provoking questions like: why do some things work in some places and not work in other...
Season 2
Episode 9

The Mindset Companies Need to Make Remote Work, Work with Jason Fried (Space Matters, ep. 5)
Jason Fried joins Kursty to share wisdom on how he runs a fully remote company by simplifying things and focusing on what matters. They explore where deep work happens, how to create space for it, why rigid workplace rules can kill passion and ...
Season 2
Episode 8

Spotting Trends That Will Shape The Way We Live and Work with Li Edelkoort (Space Matters, ep.4)
Trend forecaster Li Edelkoort joins Kursty to discuss the anatomy of trends, the ecology of fashion, and the post-pandemic workplace. Reflecting on the state of the world, Li discusses how to redesign the modern workplace to respond to new and ...
Season 2
Episode 7

Kursty featured on Workplace Geeks podcast
Interview with Ian Ellison and Chris Moriarty, two brilliant workplace thinkers 'on a mission to find and celebrate the most exciting and inspiring workplace research in the world'. A fascinating geek-out into Kursty's second book,
Season 2
Episode 6

Creating Spaces of Trust To Enable Immersion At Work with Rachel Botsman (Space Matters, ep.3)
Summary Expert author Rachel Botsman joins Kursty to discuss the relationship between trust and space. They talk about how significant it is for organisations to empower individuals to have a rhythm of work that sends them in...
Season 2
Episode 5

The Time and Space Complications of Hybrid Work with Neil Usher (Space Matters, ep.2)
Summary Workplace strategist Neil Usher joins Kursty to discuss the nuances of navigating hybrid work, brain states that trigger creativity, and the research opportunities we missed in the pre-pandemic world. In their convers...
Season 2
Episode 4

Where is The Nowhere Office? With Julia Hobsbawm
Summary Best-selling author Julia Hobsbawm joins Kursty to discuss her new book The Nowhere Office. In their discussion, they discuss how workplaces need to shift to embrace social health, how they can be a source of...
Season 2
Episode 3

NEW MINI-SERIES: Space Matters Introduction
Adding to the inspiring leaders in well-known organizations who share what they're doing and how they're implementing new ways of working, including hybrid, we'll look beyond physical space. We'll explore my hypothesis is that ther...
Season 2
Episode 2

Kursty featured on The Workplace Leader podcast
Interview with Sabine Ehm of Locatee, and host of The Workplace Leader.We dig into what makes inspiring work environments and touch upon some of the misconceptions around creativity and collaboration:❗Collaboration does not equa...
Season 2
Episode 1

How COVID-19 Launched a Constantly Changing Future of Work with Sudhir Saseedharan, Tetra Pak
Summary Workplace experience expert Sudhir Saseedharan joins Kursty to discuss the opportunities the pandemic has presented in terms of reshaping work and the workplace. They talk about the four main pillars of the Tetra Pak workplac...
Season 1
Episode 11

What Hybrid Work Looks Like In Real Life - The LEGO Workplace Experience, with Timothy Ahrensbach and Anne Sofie Fedders
Summary Timothy Ahrensbach and Anne Sofie Fedders from LEGO join Kursty to share insights from the hybrid work model they are currently implementing. Since the pandemic, the future of work has been one big experiment. Our per...
Season 1
Episode 10

How reducing office space can improve collaboration with Sue Glew (BT)
Summary Sue Glew joins Kursty to discuss how she’s changing the work environment affecting 52,000 people with a 200 person team after realizing that BT has too many offices. They talk about how the physical workplace environm...
Season 1
Episode 9

How This Company Doubled Their Staff In The Pandemic with Tom Box, Blue Zoo Animation Studio
Summary Managing Director of Blue Zoo Animation Studio Tom Box joins Kursty to discuss how they almost doubled their staff during the pandemic. They talk about how to successfully set up a hybrid working environment, ensure y...
Season 1
Episode 8

Why the One-Size-Fits-All Workplace is Dead with Rob Fretwell, Airbus
After almost two years of working from home, companies are unsure about what to do with their office space—but Airbus has a plan. Rob Fretwell, Head of Space Management UK for Airbus, joins Kursty to discuss the Airbus Workplace of the Future i...
Season 1
Episode 7