The Office Chronicles
The Office Chronicles
Myths About Resilience and How It Actually Works With Bruce Daisley
Resilience - why doesn’t it work? Most people get resilience wrong.
In this episode, we’ll reframe what resilience really is and how to tap into it for yourself and your organization. Bruce Daisley and Kursty discuss the 3 pillars of resilience that people don’t usually take into account, the connection between childhood trauma and resilience, how your sense of identity can predict your well-being, and why many resilience training programs are ineffective.
Bruce Daisley is the author of Fortitude. He is a writer and podcaster. Previously, he was a VP at Twitter amongst other roles.
“What you find is that the more coherent someone's identity is, the story they tell themselves about themselves, the more able they are to carry themselves in the world.” - Bruce Daisley
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(00:22) Episode Overview: Who is Bruce Daisley?
(02:49) How to always be writing
(05:07) Why resilience training programs don’t work
(10:06) Do you have to go through great pain to have great success?
(14:48) How bad was your childhood trauma?
(20:56) 3 pillars of resilience and fortitude
(25:25) Building resilient organizations
(30:49) Individual identity vs. collective identity
(38:35) What is Bruce Daisley working on now?
3 Key Takeaways:
- There is a correlation between adverse childhood experiences and super achievement. This doesn’t mean you have to go through great pain to achieve great success. Your experiences don’t necessarily predetermine your life outcomes but some experiences may put you at greater risk of negative outcomes than others.
- Identity is a key pillar of fortitude. The stronger your sense of identity, the more likely you are to have higher well-being. Identity is how other people get access to us, it is how we belong to collective groups. Identity and community are two parts of the same piece.
- There are 3 pillars of fortitude: control, identity, and community
Grab a copy of Fortitude: https://www.findfortitude.net/
Eat, Sleep, Work, Repeat Podcast: https://eatsleepworkrepeat.com/
Connect with Bruce Daisley: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brucedaisley/
Adverse Childhood Experience quiz: https://developingchild.harvard.edu/media-coverage/take-the-ace-quiz-and-learn-what-it-does-and-doesnt-mean
Connect with Kursty Groves: LinkedIn | Twitter | Ask a question or pitch an idea: kursty@shapeworklife.com
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